Global community
Citizen practices for world citizenship

The complexity and extent of interdependences among human societies are felt every time we are struck by current events. From the economic crisis at a nation’s level or at the international level to regional war theaters, to terrorism, to migrations and new forms of slavery and human exploitation, everything shows that we all are concerned and intrinsically dependent within a community of destiny. How then do we raise awareness of this de facto community and bring about the emergence of world citizenship and a global community?

The idea of a community is organically connected to the idea of mutual responsibility, at every scale and every age of humankind. There is a community when each of its members knows he or she is accountable to all others for the impact of his or her actions.

All over the world, people from diverse social and professional backgrounds (pensioners, company executives, scientists, journalists, soldiers, and so on) are reflecting on the question of responsibility, experimenting with new citizen practices, inventing new forms of “society to society” dialog, new spaces where citizens come together in “assemblies,” new forms of experience sharing and of collective action projects. All of these initiatives are also forms of social learning, where by recognizing our mutual responsibilities, we become aware of our community of destiny and of the need for world citizenship.

What initiatives and citizen action projects are underscoring the ethics of world citizenship?

9 projects

4 actions

An educational document

5 analytical papers

2 Charters / manifestos / declarations

2 government interventions