Climate leadership by the Fidji islands

Fiji hosts Climate Change Action Partnership meetings 2017 – Implementing Marrakesh Partnership

Betsan Martin, October 2017

Climate change is a matter of security and of survival for Pacific islands. The overall priority for Fiji as President of COP23 is to accelerate the implementation of the COP21 Paris agreement, focusing on adaptation measures, as well as on the integration of traditional and indigenous knowledge into climate change action.

In May and October 2017 Fiji hosted Marrakesh Climate Change Action Partnership (CAPP) meetings, which will continue during Fiji’s Presidency of COP23.

Marrakesh partnership meetings provide a platform for non-state stakeholders to assist governments with advancing the Paris Agreement. The work of the Partnerships includes setting out tracking mechanisms for delivery on commitments by non-party stakeholders and voluntary initiatives. 80% emissions are from industry so the engagement of the private sector is needed in all countries.

The October meeting in Fiji was held just prior to the PreCOP. They have introduced the Talanoa Dialogue for the COP23 negotiations. Talanoa Dialogues are for assessing the collective process of implementing the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions –inclusive of a coalition of cities, businesses, NGO’s – a broader agenda than the former Facilitative Dialogue. Adopting Pacific language introduces new frameworks; Talanoa, means careful discussion in the context of hospitality, with a strong emphasis on listening and respect; bula, below, is a Fijian greeting. Use of Pacific language denotes an emphasis on relational processes of reciprocity and mutual respect.

Downloads: a-respons_fiji_cop23_partnerships.pdf (290 KiB)