Social and Solidarity Economy and field philosophy

Interview in French with Emmanuel Soulias, General Manager of Enercoop, by Costanza Tabacco et Marianne Mercier

La Pause Philo, avril 2018

Can we cross the paths of Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) and field philosophy? Does the determination to think about action and the desire to make sense of the issues of living together would be the vectors of such a rapprochement? In search of answers and new wonders, La Pause Philo interviewed Emmanuel Soulias, General Manager of Enercoop, around the ideas and values concerned by the services delivered by his company. In the spotlight: environmental responsibility, ecological thinking, militant gestures and the (not) economic notion of « value ».

Emmanuel Soulias, General Manager of Enercoop (France) responds to an interview by Costanza Tabacco and Marianne Mercier

A cooperative society of collective interest, Enercoop’s main objective is to develop renewable energies in France. Societies and associations such as the cooperative Biocoop, the NGO Greenpeace and the ethical bank La Nef, are among the founders of this cooperative that brings together professionals from renewable energies, civic associations, local communities and citizens. Its offer is unique because it consists of 100% renewable energy from small producers. Enercoop guarantees a commercial traceability of electricity, which makes it possible to pay back to producers what is billed to consumers…

À télécharger : interview_e_soulias.pdf (210 Kio)


Interview in French :