The end of the world: « le mal qui vient »

a book in French

Pierre-Henri Castel, septembre 2018

Are you ready for the end of the world? This brief essay is based on an idea at first sight unbearable: time has passed where we could hope, by a kind of a last collective start, to prevent the coming annihilation of our world. Time thus begins when the end of humanity has become quite certain in a rather short historical horizon - in other words a few centuries.

What does it follow? This is equally unbearable to conceive: enjoying while hastening to destroy everything will become not only more and more tempting (what else is left if everything is lost?), but even more and more reasonable.

The temptation of the worst, in some respects, already animates those who know that we are living in the end of times. In this twilight day, Evil, violence and the meaning of life change in value and content. Pierre-Henri Castel explores here some paradoxes of this new state of affairs, between philosophical argument and sinister farce.


Le mal qui vient, les éditions du Cerf, France, 128 p. - September 2018