Charter of Responsible and United Universities

Presentation during the workshop ‘Climate and ethics: the meaning of stakeholders’ commitment, at the summit ‘ Climate Chance ‘, Nantes, France, 26-28 September 2016

François Mabille, Secretary General of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC), Paris, France, septembre 2016

We, Representatives of Catholic universities of the world:

In response to Pope Francis’s pressing invitation to engage in the fight to save the biosphere and humankind from the dangers into which they have been thrown by the current state of irresponsibility, we adopt, in the name of our respective institutions, the present Charter of Responsible and United Universities, and we commit:

  • to make it the basis of our behaviour and our relations with other universities and with society’s actors, particularly those of the territories in which we are established

  • to promote it amongst our teaching staff and our students

  • and to draw its consequences for our programmes and teaching methods.

À télécharger : charte_universites_responsables-en.pdf (220 Kio)