Manifest from Lima to Paris (1)

Appeal to the conscience of the powerful of this world

Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies, novembre 2015

The Manifest from Lima to Paris was presented at the meeting “What responsibility the world needs to face climate change? For a new environmental governance”, which took place in the Andean Community in Lima, Peru, on December 11, 2014, during the People’s Summit, a civil society event parallel to COP20, the UN Climate Summit.

It is a contribution of the South American group, member of the Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies. The Alliance proposes global responsibility to be at the heart of the transition towards sustainable societies.

The document will be submitted to the organizing committee of the COP21, and to the international press, with wide dissemination through social media networks.

À télécharger : 1_manifest_of_lima_to_paris_cop21_2015_en.pdf (150 Kio), assinaturas_manifesto.pdf (57 Kio)