Interdependences between humanity and the biosphere
Perennial planetary balances and the wellbeing of human societies
4 projects | 5 actions | 10 educational documents | 28 analytical papers | 6 Charters / manifestos / declarations | 4 government interventions
Becoming aware of the extent and complexity of interdependences between humanity and the biosphere, of the irreversibility of processes triggered by technological choices, becoming aware of and assuming our shared responsibilities with respect to the planet, such is the condition for humankind’s survival and progress.
Safeguarding environmental goods, which are common goods, and living conditions on Earth for ourselves and future generations is only possible (this is easily seen in climate change) if everyone, whether an individual, an economic player or a state, assumes responsibility for their impact on everyone else. This is not currently the case. Nobody is held responsible for the sea-level rise threatening the Pacific islands with pure and simple disappearance.
Our responsibility extends well beyond human societies to all forms of life on Earth, because clearly, the interest of the human species coincides with that of all other forms of life, so safeguarding nature is the indispensable condition for our own survival. Further yet, the solidarity of man’s and nature’s destinies (of which we have become aware through danger) also makes us rediscover that the dignity of nature is sovereign and commands us to respect its integrity beyond its utilitarian aspect.
Through which processes and choices (political, social, and technological) can we contribute to ensure the sustainability of the planet’s balances in connection with the wellbeing of human societies?
4 projects
- Alliance for Responsibility and Sustainable Societies
- On Road to the Responsibility
- On responsible citizenship through education
- The « Climate Chance » Summit, Nantes, France. Contributions of our partners
5 actions
- Dialogues on Fresh Water: Navigating impasses and new approaches
- Workshop « Climate Chance » : the role of collective catering in the paradigm shift in food systems
- Workshop « Climate Chance »: Sustainable Agriculture
- 8th Indonesia Climate Change Forum & expo 2018 (8th ICCFE 2018)
- Identifying Responsible and Sustainable Food Initiatives to promote a sustainable farming and food transition.
10 educational documents
- Responsibility Lab in the Andes
- Call for Contributions for the Workshops of the Climate Chance Summit in Agadir, Morocco
- ECOCITY Melbourne, in Australia, 12-14 July 2017
- A decentralized Climate Chance in Southeast Asia and the Pacific in 2018
- Smoke and Fumes
- Voluntary Guidelines : to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security
- Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security
- Solutions to the food and ecological crisis facing us today.
- Identifying Responsible and Sustainable Food Initiatives to promote a sustainable farming and food transition.
- Sustainable Development Goals and Planetary Boundaries
28 analytical papers
- Our Common Responsibility to the Global Environment: The Europeans’ Ecological Debt
- Interview of an Environmental Activist in Greece
- Responsibility for a Feasible Climate Ambition
- Constitutional principle of responsibility in an Environmental Organization
- A model of multi-sectoral engagement on climate change
- Organic Agriculture and Climate Responsibility in the Philippines
- The engagement of the non-state actors for the climate: ‘Climate Chance’ Summit in Agadir, Morocco
- Responsible transitions in the cross currents of change: thinking ecologically
- Organic farming and the Transition to sustainable development
- Towards a paradigm shift from globalized food dependency to bioregional food sovereignty
- Transitioning to responsible and sustainable food production through citizen science
- Agricultural and food transition : the revenge of territories
- What’s On Your Plate? Rounding up the evidence of health effects of toxic chemicals in food.
- Food: Responsibility for the Common Good and Our Common Home
- ‘We Don’t Want to Lose Our Roots’ - Dwelling on Pacific climate migration
- Finance Investment Policies and New Public Interest Corporates
- The collapse theory collapses
- How the current ecological emergency shapes our long-term historical condition ?
- Waterways in Aotearoa New Zealand - A research on water governance.
- Terrified of climate change? You might have eco-anxiety
- Rising seas, stress levels spawn climate anxiety support groups
- The harm from worrying about climate change
- “There is no favorable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go”
- The French Citizens’ Assembly, Europe and the Climate
- Responsibility: the backbone of twenty-first century ethics
- Can the corona virus inaugurate a succession rather than depression?
- A radical new approach for the French Citizens’ Climate Assembly
- Reporting from New Zealand: COVID-19 - Just Recovery
6 Charters / manifestos / declarations
- Manifest from Lima to Paris (1)
- Nantes Declaration of climate actors, at the Summet « Climate Chance », september 26-28 2016, in Nantes, France
- Universal Declaration of Interdependence
- Universal Declaration of Responsibility in an Interdependent World
- Agadir Declaration of Climate Actors
- Code of conduct for responsible fishering