Call to ASEAN jurists : responsibility and community are the two faces of a same coin

If ASEAN wills to become a community it should adopt the Universal declaration of human responsibility

Pierre CALAME, March 2013

ASEAN is facing two challenges : first to become more than an association between states, a human community ; second to be an international actor which voice could be heard at the global level aside « big powers », such as US, China, European Union or even India. Both challenges relate to the capacity of ASEAN first to adopt an ASEAN declaration of human responsibilities, second to promote at the global level an Universal declaration of human responsibilities.

This documents, written as a contribution to the preparation of the 2013 ASEAN assembly, target the role of ASEAN jurists in introducing the principle of responsibility in the ASEAN discussions. It underlines the fact that being a community and acknowledging the mutual responsibilities is the same.

Downloads: call_asean_jurists.pdf (140 KiB)

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[ASEAN is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, established on 8 August 1967 -]