Mapping Responsibility Principle in South Asian Countries, with Reference to Vulnerable Groups

Summerary - report

Sudha Sreenivasa Reddy, 2015

The socio legal study on imparting legal impetus to the responsibilities within the framework of constitutional and national legal framework of the South Asian countries was aimed at mapping the responsibilities as envisaged within the law, especially in the context of the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups. With the support of EFSA team the elaborate frameworks of the study was discussed and deliberated with a view to incorporate various aspects of the responsibilities within the scope of the study, defining vulnerabilities in the context of the study and also define the geographical scope of the study.


With the need to understand the legal stature of the ‘responsibilities’ in the South Asian region, following objectives were articulated to be achieved through the present study:

  • To enable the understanding and clarity on the status of duties and responsibilities of individuals, groups, communities and state as articulated in the identified constitutional frameworks

  • To facilitate an objective assessment of the legal footing of the constitutional provisions concerning duties and responsibilities

  • Imparting lucidity to the duties enumerated and the processes involved towards enabling legal enforcement of duties

  • To evolve a set of key principles that could potentially be universalized (with relevant variance) for inclusion in the legal frameworks for enforcing responsibilities

It was also expected from the study to achieve following associated longer term objectives:

  • Providing a platform for discussing the issues arising out of the study on comparative constitutions from different countries and discussing the possible strategies for imparting impetus to the principles of ethics and responsibilities

  • Building a network on individuals, organizations, jurists, human rights defenders, academics having shared concern over the applicability and enforceability of ethics and responsibilities in public life

  • Drawing a plan of action for comprehensive interventions built on the sound foundation of consensus building and networking at international level

  • Awareness generation and sensitization of policy makers and other stakeholders on the need for making ethics and responsibilities legally enforceable

  • Contributing to the evolution of international legal reference text on responsibility.

Downloads: mapping_resposinbility_principle_in_south_asian_countries.pdf (350 KiB)