Can the corona virus inaugurate a succession rather than depression?
Betsan Martin, Betsan Martin, febrero 2020
Can we metamorphose the kindness and care being shown in communities into regenerative systems after the Corona Virus. A degrowth economy has been inaugurated – it is seen as temporary but could we make it the beginning of the transformation we seek?
Can we, in our contexts, join up and build a case for a dramatic transition, to decouple from carbon and invest in responsible societies? Investment in regenerative ways of living and working would not be a recession, or depression as many fear, but a succession.
Wellington, New Zealand, April 6th, 2020
Dear Alliance friends
We have entered a decisive break with our former ways of life. Although the news from Wohun at the beginning of the year gave a premonition of what has come to the world, it still caught us by surprise. COVID-19 is remarkably universal in effect yet each of us is in different circumstances. Many of us may be in work that exposes you to the risk of ill-health, or under the shadow of employment being suspended or ending.
We give are mindful of those surrounded by the immediacy of health risks, distressing circumstances and death.
In New Zealand a fund was made immediately available for people losing their jobs, for employers to keep paying staff, limits on beneficiary payments were lifted and a special fund for Māori was added in recognition of greater health and economic risk. There is agreement to spend / invest up to $50b ( a large amount in a small economy) to recharge the economy by July.
Other news is coming to light of remarkable links are being made between environmental destruction and the unleashing of corona virus.
Our interdependence with animal and all species and with nature is rising in our consciousness – breaking through our blindness as societies bent on economic growth at the expense of nature. An invisible virus has unleashed its power to undo the stranglehold of the monetarised global economy. Strangely it is bringing a reprieve for climate change – showing the scale of action needed and possible.
Can we metamorphose the kindness and care being shown in communities into regenerative systems after the Corona Virus. A degrowth economy has been inaugurated – it is seen as temporary but could we make it the beginning of the transformation we seek?
Can we, in our contexts, join up and build a case for a dramatic transition, to decouple from carbon and invest in responsible societies? Investment in regenerative ways of living and working would not be a recession, or depression as many fear, but a succession.
Possible early steps for planet kindness:
finance home insulation and low carbon house building, including social housing with parks and amenities.
welfare reform for social equity – involving wealth taxes.
For the long term:
investment in public transport,
massive reorientation of training and education for ‘just transitions’,
funds for regenerative farming and agriculture
investment in renewable energy
These would all take us towards climate resilient societies. What would be required in your societies?
The Charter for Responsible Societies has refreshed relevance – and other, similar and different inspiration will emerge. Some interfaith groups are referring to Jubilee – and Shmita – a sabbatical year for the land – and renewal for people. Shimta means radical release – is it too much to attend to radical release from slaughtering forests, killing waterways and poisoning the atmosphere?
Mother earth is speaking and giving us learning time.
For me, the coming weeks in ‘isolation’ will bring attention to our research on water governance -alongside daily family care for my mother who is beyond 100 and grandchildren below 10 years, and rejuvenating our garden.
Let interdependence be renewed in human consciousness, let there be courage to withstand pressures of GDP-driven growth, and pathways for responsible policy open.
Betsan Martin