Edith Sizoo

Member of the Alliance


Edith SIZOO, born in the Netherlands, Masters degree from the Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, is a socio-linguist, has worked within the framework of Development Cooperation, in Hong Kong and India, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, as Director of the Netherlands federation of Non-Governmental Development Organisations, as International Coordinator of the Network Cultures and Development in Brussels, where she was responsible in particular for its programmes on “Language and intercultural communication” and “Female thinking and social transformation”.

From 2003 she coordinated an international process, initiated by the Foundation Charles Léopold Mayer, for the promotion of an international Charter of Human Responsibilities. She served as the International Coordinator of the Forum on Ethics & Responsibility: www.ethica-respons.net

She coordinated several intercultural research projects and directed the ensuing publication of books related to the research concerned.

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