Jacques Richard



Chartered Accountant and professor emeritus at Paris Dauphine University. He founded the “Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility” Master’s and Research Master’s program in 2004. He is a founding member of the French Accounting Association (AFC) and he is a member of the Accounting Standards Authority (ANC).

He has authored roughly 80 articles published in major academic journals and over 20 books, one of which, Comptabilité Financière, has been republished edited for over 25 years at Dunod publishing house. Some of his noteworthy publications in the field of Sustainable Development include Comptabilité et développement durable in 2012 with Economica publishing house (winner of the 2012 FNEGE award) and Gestion environnementale by La Découverte publishing house in 2014. In 2013, he received the Best Manuscript Award from the Academy of Accounting Historians in the USA for his work on the history of accounting and management.

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