Lima to Paris from the Southern Cone, towards global responsibility

Ricardo Jimenez Ayala, diciembre 2016

General Objective: Installing the concept and the reflection of Responsibility in the center of the global situation of the cop21 in Paris in 2015 and beyond, generating synergies between continental networks for ALLIANCE, and the creation of a permanent virtual support for education.

Objective 1: Put in public debate what responsibility and what is not, is required to address the critical challenges of the global society, especially climate change, from previous work Alliance: Manifest Lima to Paris; the results of College de France meeting 2015; and the Universal Declaration of Responsibility.

Objective 2: Facilitate and strengthen synergies between continental Alliance networks, and with partner networks, through meeting in Paris COP 21; and dialogues south - south agreements COP tracking, online.

Objective 3: Develop an ongoing process of systematic education on Responsibility and its junction with governance and related issues, through the creation of « Virtual Institute for Studies on Responsibility of ALLIANCE « , which provides courses and diplomas in partnership with universities. In a first stage, for the Spanish-speaking world.

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