Declaration of World Assembly of Inhabitants (4)

World Assembly of Inhabitants II: rural and urban inhabitants take responsibility for demanding a new paradigm

Cristina Reynals, 2013

The 2013 WAI Declaration summarizes the necessary steps towards an open and democratic process, and involved organizations and networks from across the world throughout 2012, particularly during the People’s Summit in Rio, the Urban Social Forum in Naples, and Africities in Dakar, culminating in the thematic workshops and the General assembly in Tunis.

Two years after the World Assembly of Inhabitants (WAI) in Dakar, the Inhabitants Networks is redoubling its efforts to support the empowerment of these actors based on a g-local vision, this time through the Declaration of the WAI II, as part of the World Social Forum, which took place in Tunis in March 2013.

The 2013 WAI Declaration summarizes the necessary steps towards an open and democratic process, and involved organizations and networks from across the world throughout 2012, particularly during the People’s Summit in Rio, the Urban Social Forum in Naples, and Africities in Dakar, culminating in the thematic workshops and the General assembly in Tunis.

Descargar: 4_declarationwai_tunis_2013_en.pdf (310 KiB)