ASEC team at Asian People’s Forum 2018 Advocating Transformative Economies through SSE & SDGs

Benjamin, JR Quinones, noviembre 2018

Members of ASEC – RIPESS Asia participated in the ASEAN People Forum, an annual meeting of Civil Society Organizations held this year in Singapore. Denison Jayasooria, chair of ASEC – RIPESS Asia shares in this article the main issues that were discussed over three days.

Seven member Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC) team participated at the ASEAN People Forum (APF). They were Dr Ben Quinones (Philippines), Dr Eri Trinurini & Chandra Firmantoko (Indonesia), Boonsom Namsomboon & Daodol Rummanpol and Kon Onn Sein & Dr Denison Jayasooria & (Malaysia)

APF or the ASEAN Civil society Conference is an annual gathering of CSOs in ASEAN interfacing with the ASEAN Summit. The 2018 gathering was hosted by Singapore and over 250 people gathered at the Singapore Polytechnic Graduates Guild in Singapore from Nov 2 to 4, 2018.

Descargar: asec_team_report_on_ws1_asian_people_forum_v_7nov2018.pdf (74 KiB)