Global Citizenship Education Student Conference & Study Tour

Libby Giles, New Zealand Centre for Global Studies, agosto 2016

Two conferences were held, the first was held with 100 secondary students from around New Zealand with a parliamentary reception and presentations and workshops on global governance and common goods. The second conference was attended by 200 secondary students to explore global citizenship through the arts.

The study tour was sponsored by NZ Centre for Global Studies and NZ UNESCO and involved visits to leading education for global citizenship initiatives to identify responsibility orientations, key features, build networks and develop policy. This was followed by a small group of students on an international tour for exchange with other institutions involved in global citizenship education.

Case study period: 2016. 28 March to 30 April 2016 for study tour.

Descargar: responsibility_framework_in_global_citizenship_education.pdf (77 KiB)

Para saber más

Gaudelli, William, Global CItizenship Education: Everyday Transcendence, Routledge, New York, 2016

Gerzon, Mark, Global Citizens, How Our Vision of the World is Outdated, and what We Can Do about it, Rider, London, 2010

Fernando M. Reimers and Vidur Chopra, Empowering Global Citizens: A World Course, Harvard, 2016