Conference on Global Citizenship Education : Citizens for Global Education - Education for Global Citizenship

The Brussels Proposal : towards a new direction for Education

Fleur de Lys (Pinky) CASTELO-CUPINO, June 2014

A group of educators and civil society advocates convened June 24-25, 2014 in Brussels in a conference called: Citizens for Global Education, Education for Global Citizenship to discuss the need to advocate for the inclusion of global citizenship education in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The conference was organized by CONCORD (European Confederation for Relief and Development), DEEEP (Citizens Empowerment for Global Justice), UNESCO and Global Education First Initiative of Ban-ki Moon. The outcome is a campaign document named, “The Brussels Proposal: Towards a New Direction for Education.” Educationist and global citizenship education practitioner Fleur de Lys Castelo-Cupino from the Alliance of Responsible and Sustainable Societies participated in the conference.

Downloads: the_brussels_proposal.pdf (280 KiB)