The Ecological Footprint As a Tool for Awareness-raising on Individual and Collective Responsibility

Yolanda ZIAKA, 10 novembre 2005

The « ecological footprint » concept could be used to great advantage as an educational tool in the framework of communication and education actions around the concept of responsibility, with a view to becoming aware of our responsibility for the impact of our own lifestyle on the environment. It therefore carries significant potential for the development of a responsible attitude.

Following is a short presentation of the concept (definition and applications) and a few ideas on the educational potential of the concept for an initiation to the concept of responsibility.

Downloads: the_ecological_footprint_as_a_tool_for_awarenessyz.pdf (240 KiB)


  • Rees W., « Revisiting Carrying Capacity: Area-Based Indicators of Sustainability, Population and Environment », Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume 17, Number 3, January 1996, Human Sciences Press, Inc.

  • Wackernagels M., C. Monfreda and D. Deumling, « Ecological Footprint of Nations. How Much Nature Do They Use? How Much Nature Do They Have?", Redefining Progress, Sustainability Issue Brief, November 2002 Update.

  • Wackernagels M., op. cit.



