3rd International Conference on “Changing Cities »

Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions

June 2017

The conference is Organised by The Laboratory of Urban Morphology & Design Department of Planning & Regional Development School of Engineering, University of Thessaly Volos, Greece, under the aegis of the Greek Ministry of Tourism.

In the last decades, we have all witnessed a series of dramatic, universal changes and developments affecting cities – their morphology, environment, economies, and societies. Global new conditions such as economic internationalisation, European integration and the creation of urban networks and hierarchies ; post– indu - strial economies of culture and technologies; consciousness of environmental degradation and the necessity of green design and sustainable development; information societies, increasing mobility of individuals and ‘space time’ compression; growing terrorism attacks and new security infrastructures of public spaces; increasing migrations and cultural diversity of individuals, and coexistence in multi – ethnic and multi-cultural urban societies. In this new milieu, cities change themselves to ad hoc adapt into new conditions while simultaneously scholars and practitioners in planning and design attempt to change cities so as to better fit into new conditions.

The main conference theme is: “European cities & Migration; Spatial impacts of immigration and out-migration”

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