Danaë Desplanques

Member of the Alliance

My name is Danaë, I am French of Korean origin and I live in Barcelona since 2016. I was born in Lyon near the Alps, and I grew up in China near Hong Kong until I was 13 years old. I studied social sciences and political sciences in Sciences Po Paris, and I have a master in international cooperation. When I was 20 years old, I spent one year in Chile. I do climbing and yoga. I love walking in the mountains and in nature. I am vegetarian because … I do not want to eat these cute little animals!

I have been working for 3 years in the social and solidarity economy and on projects for the health and well-being of educational communities around the world. I am passionate about collective intelligence and collaborative and creative working methods. I facilitated Open Forum with more than 150 people, and organized numerous collaborative workshops in France, Belgium, Canada, Senegal, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, etc. Today, I am the General Delegate of the Education and Solidarity Network, an international association based in Paris.

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