Nina Gregg

Member of the Alliance


Nina Gregg has worked for more than 25 years with community and social justice organizations, unions, and educational institutions to create opportunities for organizational learning, strengthening capacity for collaboration, inclusion, adaptation and sustainability. She uses action-learning, popular education and participatory approaches to organizational change, governance, strategy, planning, evaluation, and leadership. Current projects include working with the Highlander Research and Education Center’s Education Team on the Economics and Governance popular education curriculum and mobilizing white anti-racist activists.

Nina was an active member of the Charter of Human Responsibilities International Facilitation Team and the Forum on Ethics and Responsibility. She began working with the International Facilitation Team of the Charter of Human Responsibilities at the end of 2005. In this role, she accomplished several projects in the US, including: an international conference on Energy and Responsibility; a youth-led project culminating in a workshop at the first US Social Forum; the Climate Change and Water film festival on 12 university campuses; and a national project on responsibility and the environment, from which a US youth delegation took part in the International Children and Youth Conference on the Environment: Let’s Take Care of the Planet.

Nina is a member of the United Association for Labor Education, the US Solidarity Economy Network and the Socio-Technical Systems Roundtable. She is on the Board of Directors of Three Rivers Market Food Cooperative. Nina has also worked as a summer camp kitchen helper, housekeeper, mailroom manager, co-director of a community organization and university professor. 

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